Title: foundation Author: Graham Nelson Purpose: A library of utility functions for command-line tools. Language: InC Licence: Artistic License 2.0 Preliminaries A Brief Guide to Foundation Chapter 1: Setting Up "Absolute basics." Foundation Module POSIX Platforms ^"ifdef-PLATFORM_POSIX" Windows Platform ^"ifdef-PLATFORM_WINDOWS" Chapter 2: Memory, Streams and Collections "Creating objects in memory, and forming lists, hashes, and text streams." Debugging Log Memory Foundation Classes Locales Streams Writers and Loggers Methods Linked Lists and Stacks Dictionaries Trees Chapter 3: The Operating System "Dealing with the host operating system." Error Messages Command Line Arguments Pathnames Filenames Case-Insensitive Filenames Shell Directories Time Chapter 4: Text Handling "Reading, writing and parsing text." Characters C Strings Wide Strings String Manipulation Text Files Preprocessor Tries and Avinues Pattern Matching JSON Chapter 5: Generating Websites "For making individual web pages, or gathering them into mini-sites or ebooks." HTML Epub Ebooks Chapter 6: Media "Examining image and sound files." Binary Files Image Dimensions Sound Durations Chapter 7: Semantic Versioning "For reading, storing and comparing standard semantic version numbers." Version Numbers Version Number Ranges Chapter 8: Literate Programming Web Structure Bibliographic Data for Webs Web Modules Build Files Simple Tangler