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section purpose toc - toc line - P1'The conjecture' toc line - P2'Primality' paragraph P1'The conjecture' material discussion commentary commentary commentary mathematics <10^{388,342}> commentary < (as of 2016), and there are infinitely\n> commentary commentary vskip (in comment) commentary commentary material code: C code line source_code < 3 and 5> _ppppppppppp_ code line source_code < 5 and 7> _ppppppppppp_ code line source_code < 11 and 13> _ppppppppppppp_ code line source_code < ...> _ppppppp_ material definition code line defn source_code _nnnnnpnnnp_ commentary < the upper limit to the numbers we will consider> (code) material code: C code line source_code <#include > _piiiiiiippiiiiipip_ vskip code line source_code _rrrpffffprrrpiiiipprrrrppiiiippppp_ code line source_code < for (int i=1; i _pppprrrpprrrpippppipnnnnnppippp_ code line source_code < > _pppppppp_ pmac source_code <;> _p_ code line source_code <}> _p_ paragraph P1.1 material paragraph macro code line pmac (definition) material code: C code line source_code < if ((> _pppprrppp_ function usage source_code <(i)) && (> _pippppppp_ function usage source_code <(i+2)))> _pippppp_ code line source_code < printf("%d and %d\n", i, i+2);> _ppppppppiiiiiipsssssssssssssppippipppp_ material endnotes endnote commentary commentary locale P1'The conjecture' commentary <.> paragraph P2'Primality' material discussion commentary commentary <2 and up to the square root: if none divide exactly, the number is prime.\n> commentary mathematics commentary <, rather\n> commentary mathematics commentary <, thus wrongly considering 4, 9, 25, 49, ... as prime:\n> commentary commentary material definition code line defn source_code _nnnnpn_ code line defn source_code _nnnnnpn_ material code: C code line source_code _rrrp_ function defn locale P1.1 source_code <(int n) {> _prrrpippp_ code line source_code < if (n <= 1) return FALSE;> _pppprrppippppnpprrrrrrpnnnnnp_ code line source_code < for (int m = 2; m*m <= n; m++)> _pppprrrpprrrpipppnppipippppippippp_ code line source_code < if (n % m == 0)> _pppppppprrppipppippppnp_ code line source_code < return FALSE;> _pppppppppppprrrrrrpnnnnnp_ code line source_code < return TRUE;> _pppprrrrrrpnnnnp_ code line source_code <}> _p_ section footer
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