[Enumerations::] Enumerated Constants. To define sequentially numbered values for families of constants. @ The idea here is that each enumeration set is a sequence of named constants with a given postfix: for example, [[HARRY_ST]], [[NEVILLE_ST]], [[ANGELINA_ST]] form the [[*_ST]] set. By definition, the postfix part is the portion of the name following the final underscore, so in this case [[ST]]. Each set of constants begins at a given value (typically 0) and then increments sequentially in definition order. <<*>>= typedef struct enumeration_set { struct text_stream *postfix; struct text_stream *stub; int first_value; int next_free_value; struct source_line *last_observed_at; CLASS_DEFINITION } enumeration_set; @ There won't be enough sets to make a hash table worth the overhead, so compare all against all: <<*>>= enumeration_set *Enumerations::find(text_stream *post) { enumeration_set *es = NULL; LOOP_OVER(es, enumeration_set) if (Str::eq(post, es->postfix)) return es; return NULL; } @ The following is called when an enumeration is found. If [[from]] has a sensible value, this is the start of a new enumeration set; otherwise it's a further constant in what ought to be an existing set. <<*>>= void Enumerations::define(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *symbol, text_stream *from, source_line *L) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(pf) <>; enumeration_set *es = Enumerations::find(pf); if (from == NULL) <> else <>; DISCARD_TEXT(pf) if (es) es->last_observed_at = L; } @ So for instance [[HARRY_ST]] to [[ST]]: <>= match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr(); if (Regexp::match(&mr, symbol, L"%c*_(%C+?)")) Str::copy(pf, mr.exp[0]); else { Main::error_in_web(I"enumeration constants must belong to a _FAMILY", L); WRITE_TO(pf, "BOGUS"); } Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); <>= if (es) { if (es->stub) WRITE("(%S+", es->stub); WRITE("%d", es->next_free_value++); if (es->stub) WRITE(")"); } else Main::error_in_web(I"this enumeration _FAMILY is unknown", L); <>= if (es) Main::error_in_web(I"this enumeration _FAMILY already exists", L); else { es = CREATE(enumeration_set); es->postfix = Str::duplicate(pf); es->stub = NULL; if ((Str::len(from) < 8) && ((Regexp::match(NULL, from, L"%d+")) || (Regexp::match(NULL, from, L"-%d+")))) { es->first_value = Str::atoi(from, 0); es->next_free_value = es->first_value + 1; } else { es->stub = Str::duplicate(from); es->first_value = 0; es->next_free_value = 1; } } if (es->stub) WRITE("(%S+", es->stub); WRITE("%d", es->first_value); if (es->stub) WRITE(")"); @ For each set, a further constant is defined to give the range; for example, we would have [[NO_DEFINED_ST_VALUES]] set to 3. This is notionally placed in the code at the last line on which an [[*_ST]] value was defined. <<*>>= void Enumerations::define_extents(OUTPUT_STREAM, tangle_target *target, programming_language *lang) { enumeration_set *es; LOOP_OVER(es, enumeration_set) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(symbol) TEMPORARY_TEXT(value) WRITE_TO(symbol, "NO_DEFINED_%S_VALUES", es->postfix); WRITE_TO(value, "%d", es->next_free_value - es->first_value); LanguageMethods::start_definition(OUT, lang, symbol, value, es->last_observed_at->owning_section, es->last_observed_at); LanguageMethods::end_definition(OUT, lang, es->last_observed_at->owning_section, es->last_observed_at); DISCARD_TEXT(symbol) DISCARD_TEXT(value) } }