+ + +

Unravelling (a simple version of) Inweb's literate programming notation to access the tangled content.

+ +

§1. Suppose we have a simple form of a web, in the sense of Inweb: one which +makes no use of macros, definitions or enumerations.1 Because the syntax +used is a subset of Inweb syntax, there's no problem weaving such a web: +Inweb can be used for that. But now suppose we want to tangle the web, within +some application. We don't really want to embed the whole of Inweb into such +a program: something much simpler would surely be sufficient. And here it is. +

+ +
  • 1 Why might we have this? Because kits of Inter code take this form. +


§2. The simple tangler is controlled using a parcel of settings. Note also the +state, which is not used by the reader itself, but instead allows the callback +functions to have a shared state of their own. +

+ +
+typedef struct simple_tangle_docket {
+    void (*raw_callback)(struct text_stream *, struct simple_tangle_docket *);
+    void (*command_callback)(struct text_stream *, struct text_stream *,
+        struct text_stream *, struct simple_tangle_docket *);
+    void (*bplus_callback)(struct text_stream *, struct simple_tangle_docket *);
+    void (*error_callback)(char *, struct text_stream *);
+    void *state;
+    struct pathname *web_path;
+} simple_tangle_docket;
  • The structure simple_tangle_docket is accessed in 3/cla and here.


+ +
+simple_tangle_docket SimpleTangler::new_docket(
+    void (*A)(struct text_stream *, struct simple_tangle_docket *),
+    void (*B)(struct text_stream *, struct text_stream *,
+        struct text_stream *, struct simple_tangle_docket *),
+    void (*C)(struct text_stream *, struct simple_tangle_docket *),
+    void (*D)(char *, struct text_stream *),
+    pathname *web_path, void *initial_state) {
+    simple_tangle_docket docket;
+    docket.raw_callback = A;
+    docket.command_callback = B;
+    docket.bplus_callback = C;
+    docket.error_callback = D;
+    docket.state = initial_state;
+    docket.web_path = web_path;
+    return docket;

§4. We can tangle either text already in memory, or a file (which the tangler +should open), or a section (which the tangler should find and open), or a +whole web of section files (ditto): +

+ +
+void SimpleTangler::tangle_text(simple_tangle_docket *docket, text_stream *text) {
+    SimpleTangler::tangle_L1(docket, text, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
+void SimpleTangler::tangle_file(simple_tangle_docket *docket, filename *F) {
+    SimpleTangler::tangle_L1(docket, NULL, F, NULL, FALSE);
+void SimpleTangler::tangle_section(simple_tangle_docket *docket, text_stream *leafname) {
+    SimpleTangler::tangle_L1(docket, NULL, NULL, leafname, FALSE);
+void SimpleTangler::tangle_web(simple_tangle_docket *docket) {
+    SimpleTangler::tangle_L1(docket, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE);


+ +
+void SimpleTangler::tangle_L1(simple_tangle_docket *docket, text_stream *text,
+    filename *F, text_stream *leafname, int whole_web) {
+    SimpleTangler::tangle_L2(T, text, F, leafname, docket, whole_web);
+    (*(docket->raw_callback))(T, docket);

§6. First, dispose of the "whole web" possibility. +

+ +
+void SimpleTangler::tangle_L2(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *text, filename *F,
+    text_stream *leafname, simple_tangle_docket *docket, int whole_web) {
+    if (whole_web) {
+        web_md *Wm = WebMetadata::get(docket->web_path, NULL, V2_SYNTAX, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);
+        chapter_md *Cm;
+        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(Cm, chapter_md, Wm->chapters_md) {
+            section_md *Sm;
+            LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(Sm, section_md, Cm->sections_md) {
+                filename *SF = Sm->source_file_for_section;
+                SimpleTangler::tangle_L3(OUT, text, Sm->sect_title, docket, SF);
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        SimpleTangler::tangle_L3(OUT, text, leafname, docket, F);
+    }

§7. When tangling a file, we begin in comment mode; when tangling other matter, +not so much. +

+ +
+void SimpleTangler::tangle_L3(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *text,
+    text_stream *leafname, simple_tangle_docket *docket, filename *F) {
+    int comment = FALSE;
+    FILE *Input_File = NULL;
+    if ((Str::len(leafname) > 0) || (F)) {
+        Open the file7.1;
+        comment = TRUE;
+    }
+    Tangle the material7.2;
+    if (Input_File) fclose(Input_File);

§7.1. Note that if we are looking for an explicit section — say, Juggling.i6t — +from a web W, we translate that into the path W/Sections/Juggling.i6t. +

+ +

Open the file7.1 = +

+ +
+    if (F) {
+        Input_File = Filenames::fopen(F, "r");
+    } else if (Str::len(leafname) > 0) {
+        pathname *P = Pathnames::down(docket->web_path, I"Sections");
+        Input_File = Filenames::fopen(Filenames::in(P, leafname), "r");
+    }
+    if (Input_File == NULL)
+        (*(docket->error_callback))("unable to open the file '%S'", leafname);
  • This code is used in §7.

§7.2. Tangle the material7.2 = +

+ +
+    TEMPORARY_TEXT(command)
+    TEMPORARY_TEXT(argument)
+    int skip_part = FALSE, extract = FALSE;
+    int col = 1, cr, sfp = 0;
+    do {
+        Str::clear(command);
+        Str::clear(argument);
+        Read next character7.2.1;
+        NewCharacter: if (cr == EOF) break;
+        if (((cr == '@') || (cr == '=')) && (col == 1)) {
+            int inweb_syntax = -1;
+            if (cr == '=') Read the rest of line as an equals-heading7.2.3
+            else Read the rest of line as an at-heading7.2.2;
+            Act on the heading, going in or out of comment mode as appropriate7.2.4;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (comment == FALSE) Deal with material which isn't commentary7.2.5;
+    } while (cr != EOF);
+    DISCARD_TEXT(command)
+    DISCARD_TEXT(argument)
  • This code is used in §7.

§7.2.1. Our text files are encoded as ISO Latin-1, not as Unicode UTF-8, so ordinary +fgetc is used, and no BOM marker is parsed. Lines are assumed to be terminated +with either 0x0a or 0x0d. (Since blank lines are harmless, we take no +trouble over 0a0d or 0d0a combinations.) The built-in template files, almost +always the only ones used, are line terminated 0x0a in Unix fashion. +

+ +

Read next character7.2.1 = +

+ +
+    if (Input_File) cr = fgetc(Input_File);
+    else if (text) {
+        cr = Str::get_at(text, sfp); if (cr == 0) cr = EOF; else sfp++;
+    } else cr = EOF;
+    col++; if ((cr == 10) || (cr == 13)) col = 0;
+ +

§7.2.2. Here we see the limited range of Inweb syntaxes allowed; but some @ and = +commands can be used, at least. +

+ +

Read the rest of line as an at-heading7.2.2 = +

+ +
+    TEMPORARY_TEXT(at_cmd)
+    int committed = FALSE, unacceptable_character = FALSE;
+    while (TRUE) {
+        Read next character7.2.1;
+        if ((committed == FALSE) && ((cr == 10) || (cr == 13) || (cr == ' '))) {
+            if (Str::eq_wide_string(at_cmd, L"p"))
+                inweb_syntax = INWEB_PARAGRAPH_SYNTAX;
+            else if (Str::eq_wide_string(at_cmd, L"h"))
+                inweb_syntax = INWEB_PARAGRAPH_SYNTAX;
+            else if (Str::eq_wide_string(at_cmd, L"c"))
+                inweb_syntax = INWEB_CODE_SYNTAX;
+            else if (Str::get_first_char(at_cmd) == '-')
+                inweb_syntax = INWEB_DASH_SYNTAX;
+            else if (Str::begins_with_wide_string(at_cmd, L"Purpose:"))
+                inweb_syntax = INWEB_PURPOSE_SYNTAX;
+            committed = TRUE;
+            if (inweb_syntax == -1) {
+                if (unacceptable_character == FALSE) {
+                    PUT_TO(OUT, '@');
+                    WRITE_TO(OUT, "%S", at_cmd);
+                    PUT_TO(OUT, cr);
+                    break;
+                } else {
+                    LOG("heading begins: <%S>\n", at_cmd);
+                    (*(docket->error_callback))(
+                        "unknown '@...' marker at column 0: '%S'", at_cmd);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (!(((cr >= 'A') && (cr <= 'Z')) || ((cr >= 'a') && (cr <= 'z'))
+            || ((cr >= '0') && (cr <= '9'))
+            || (cr == '-') || (cr == '>') || (cr == ':') || (cr == '_')))
+            unacceptable_character = TRUE;
+        if ((cr == 10) || (cr == 13)) break;
+        PUT_TO(at_cmd, cr);
+    }
+    Str::copy(command, at_cmd);
+    DISCARD_TEXT(at_cmd)
  • This code is used in §7.2.

§7.2.3. Read the rest of line as an equals-heading7.2.3 = +

+ +
+    TEMPORARY_TEXT(equals_cmd)
+    while (TRUE) {
+        Read next character7.2.1;
+        if ((cr == 10) || (cr == 13)) break;
+        PUT_TO(equals_cmd, cr);
+    }
+    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
+    if (Regexp::match(&mr, equals_cmd, L" %(text%c*%) *")) {
+        inweb_syntax = INWEB_EXTRACT_SYNTAX;
+    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, equals_cmd, L" %(figure%c*%) *")) {
+        inweb_syntax = INWEB_FIGURE_SYNTAX;
+    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, equals_cmd, L" %(%c*%) *")) {
+        (*(docket->error_callback))(
+            "unsupported '= (...)' marker at column 0", NULL);
+    } else {
+        inweb_syntax = INWEB_EQUALS_SYNTAX;
+    }
+    Regexp::dispose_of(&mr);
+    DISCARD_TEXT(equals_cmd)
  • This code is used in §7.2.

§7.2.4. Act on the heading, going in or out of comment mode as appropriate7.2.4 = +

+ +
+    switch (inweb_syntax) {
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(heading_name)
+            Str::copy_tail(heading_name, command, 2);
+            int c;
+            while (((c = Str::get_last_char(heading_name)) != 0) &&
+                ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t') || (c == '.')))
+                Str::delete_last_character(heading_name);
+            if (Str::len(heading_name) == 0)
+                (*(docket->error_callback))("Empty heading name", NULL);
+            DISCARD_TEXT(heading_name)
+            extract = FALSE;
+            comment = TRUE; skip_part = FALSE;
+            break;
+        }
+        case INWEB_CODE_SYNTAX:
+            extract = FALSE;
+            if (skip_part == FALSE) comment = FALSE;
+            break;
+        case INWEB_EQUALS_SYNTAX:
+            if (extract) {
+                comment = TRUE; extract = FALSE;
+            } else {
+                if (skip_part == FALSE) comment = FALSE;
+            }
+            break;
+            comment = TRUE; extract = TRUE;
+            break;
+        case INWEB_DASH_SYNTAX: break;
+        case INWEB_PURPOSE_SYNTAX: break;
+        case INWEB_FIGURE_SYNTAX: break;
+    }
  • This code is used in §7.2.

§7.2.5. Deal with material which isn't commentary7.2.5 = +

+ +
+    if (cr == '{') {
+        Read next character7.2.1;
+        if ((cr == '-') && (docket->command_callback)) {
+            Read up to the next close brace as a braced command and argument7.2.5.1;
+            if (Str::get_first_char(command) == '!') continue;
+            (*(docket->command_callback))(OUT, command, argument, docket);
+            continue;
+        } else {  otherwise the open brace was a literal
+            PUT_TO(OUT, '{');
+            goto NewCharacter;
+        }
+    }
+    if ((cr == '(') && (docket->bplus_callback)) {
+        Read next character7.2.1;
+        if (cr == '+') {
+            Read up to the next plus close-bracket as an I7 expression7.2.5.2;
+            continue;
+        } else {  otherwise the open bracket was a literal
+            PUT_TO(OUT, '(');
+            goto NewCharacter;
+        }
+    }
+    PUT_TO(OUT, cr);
  • This code is used in §7.2.

§ And here we read a normal command. The command name must not include } +or :. If there is no : then the argument is left unset (so that it will +be the empty string: see above). The argument must not include }. +

+ +

Read up to the next close brace as a braced command and argument7.2.5.1 = +

+ +
+    Str::clear(command);
+    Str::clear(argument);
+    int com_mode = TRUE;
+    while (TRUE) {
+        Read next character7.2.1;
+        if ((cr == '}') || (cr == EOF)) break;
+        if ((cr == ':') && (com_mode)) { com_mode = FALSE; continue; }
+        if (com_mode) PUT_TO(command, cr);
+        else PUT_TO(argument, cr);
+    }
+ +

§ And similarly, for the (+ ... +) notation which was once used to mark +I7 material within I6: +

+ +

Read up to the next plus close-bracket as an I7 expression7.2.5.2 = +

+ +
+    TEMPORARY_TEXT(material)
+    while (TRUE) {
+        Read next character7.2.1;
+        if (cr == EOF) break;
+        if ((cr == ')') && (Str::get_last_char(material) == '+')) {
+            Str::delete_last_character(material); break; }
+        PUT_TO(material, cr);
+    }
+    (*(docket->bplus_callback))(material, docket);
+    DISCARD_TEXT(material)
+ + + +