+ + +

To read and write JSON data interchange material.

+ +
+ +

§1. Introduction. JSON (Douglas Crockford, c. 2000) stands for "JavaScript Object Notation", but is +now a standardised data interchange format +used in many contexts. It's especially suitable for passing small amounts of data +over the Internet, or between programs, or for making small data files human-readable. +It's not good for larger data sets: it is really designed for messages, metadata +or preference files. +

+ +

This section provides encoding and decoding facilities. It is intended to comply +with ECMA-404, +except that (i) it disallows repetition the same key in the same object, and (ii) +text can only be used in the Basic Multilingual Plane of Unicode points 0x0000 +to 0xffff. +

+ +

There are no size maxima or limitations. Still, this code was written at typing speed, +and no effort has gone into reducing memory usage or running time in the face of +large (or malicious) JSON content. Error reporting is also limited in fulsomeness. +

+ +

See the foundation-test test case json for many exercises of the code below; +do not change this section without checking that it continues to pass. +

+ +

§2. Data model. JSON has a simple data model which we need to replicate in memory. Each value +will be a pointer to a (permanently held in memory) JSON_value object. +This is in effect a union, in that its type is always one of the following, +and then only certain elements are meaningful depending on type. +

+ +

These are exactly the JSON types except that numbers are split between integer +and floating-point versions (the conflation of the two is where the Javascript +origins of JSON show through), and that the type ERROR_JSONTYPE represents +invalid data resulting from attempting to decode erroneous JSON. +

+ +
+void JSON::write_type(OUTPUT_STREAM, int t) {
+    switch (t) {
+        case NUMBER_JSONTYPE:  WRITE("number"); break;
+        case DOUBLE_JSONTYPE:  WRITE("double"); break;
+        case STRING_JSONTYPE:  WRITE("string"); break;
+        case BOOLEAN_JSONTYPE: WRITE("boolean"); break;
+        case ARRAY_JSONTYPE:   WRITE("array"); break;
+        case OBJECT_JSONTYPE:  WRITE("object"); break;
+        case NULL_JSONTYPE:    WRITE("null"); break;
+        case ERROR_JSONTYPE:   WRITE("<error>"); break;
+        default:               WRITE("<invalid>"); break;
+    }


+ +
+typedef struct JSON_value {
+    int JSON_type;
+    int if_integer;
+    double if_double;
+    struct text_stream *if_string;
+    int if_boolean;
+    struct linked_list *if_list;  of JSON_value
+    struct dictionary *dictionary_if_object;  to JSON_value
+    struct linked_list *list_if_object;  of text_stream
+    struct text_stream *if_error;
+} JSON_value;
+ +

§4. Now some constructor functions to create data of each JSON type: +

+ +
+JSON_value *JSON::new_null(void) {
+    JSON_value *value = CREATE(JSON_value);
+    value->JSON_type = NULL_JSONTYPE;
+    value->if_integer = 0;
+    value->if_double = 0;
+    value->if_string = NULL;
+    value->if_boolean = NOT_APPLICABLE;
+    value->if_list = NULL;
+    value->dictionary_if_object = NULL;
+    value->list_if_object = NULL;
+    value->if_error = NULL;
+    return value;
+JSON_value *JSON::new_boolean(int b) {
+    JSON_value *value = JSON::new_null();
+    value->JSON_type = BOOLEAN_JSONTYPE;
+    value->if_boolean = b;
+    if ((b != TRUE) && (b != FALSE)) internal_error("improper JSON boolean");
+    return value;
+JSON_value *JSON::new_number(int b) {
+    JSON_value *value = JSON::new_null();
+    value->JSON_type = NUMBER_JSONTYPE;
+    value->if_integer = b;
+    return value;
+JSON_value *JSON::new_double(double d) {
+    JSON_value *value = JSON::new_null();
+    value->JSON_type = DOUBLE_JSONTYPE;
+    value->if_double = d;
+    return value;
+JSON_value *JSON::new_string(text_stream *S) {
+    JSON_value *value = JSON::new_null();
+    value->JSON_type = STRING_JSONTYPE;
+    value->if_string = Str::duplicate(S);
+    return value;

§5. JSON arrays — lists, in effect — should be created in an empty state, and +then have entries added sequentially: +

+ +
+JSON_value *JSON::new_array(void) {
+    JSON_value *value = JSON::new_null();
+    value->JSON_type = ARRAY_JSONTYPE;
+    value->if_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(JSON_value);
+    return value;
+JSON_value *JSON::add_to_array(JSON_value *array, JSON_value *new_entry) {
+    if (array == NULL) internal_error("no array");
+    if (array->JSON_type == ERROR_JSONTYPE) return array;
+    if (array->JSON_type != ARRAY_JSONTYPE) internal_error("not an array");
+    if (new_entry == NULL) internal_error("no new entry");
+    if (new_entry->JSON_type == ERROR_JSONTYPE) return new_entry;
+    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(new_entry, JSON_value, array->if_list);
+    return array;

§6. Similarly, JSON objects — dictionaries of key-value pairs, in effect — +should be created in an empty state, and then have key-value pairs added as needed: +

+ +
+JSON_value *JSON::new_object(void) {
+    JSON_value *value = JSON::new_null();
+    value->JSON_type = OBJECT_JSONTYPE;
+    value->dictionary_if_object = Dictionaries::new(16, FALSE);
+    value->list_if_object = NEW_LINKED_LIST(text_stream);
+    return value;
+JSON_value *JSON::add_to_object(JSON_value *obj, text_stream *key, JSON_value *value) {
+    if (obj == NULL) internal_error("no object");
+    if (obj->JSON_type == ERROR_JSONTYPE) return obj;
+    if (obj->JSON_type != OBJECT_JSONTYPE) internal_error("not an object");
+    if (value == NULL) internal_error("no new entry");
+    if (value->JSON_type == ERROR_JSONTYPE) return value;
+    key = Str::duplicate(key);
+    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(key, text_stream, obj->list_if_object);
+    dict_entry *de = Dictionaries::create(obj->dictionary_if_object, key);
+    if (de) de->value = value;
+    return obj;

§7. The following looks up a key in an object, returning NULL if and only if +it is not present: +

+ +
+JSON_value *JSON::look_up_object(JSON_value *obj, text_stream *key) {
+    if (obj == NULL) internal_error("no object");
+    if (obj->JSON_type == ERROR_JSONTYPE) return NULL;
+    if (obj->JSON_type != OBJECT_JSONTYPE) internal_error("not an object");
+    dict_entry *de = Dictionaries::find(obj->dictionary_if_object, key);
+    if (de == NULL) return NULL;
+    return de->value;

§8. One last constructor creates an invalid JSON value resulting from incorrect +JSON input: +

+ +
+JSON_value *JSON::error(text_stream *msg) {
+    JSON_value *value = JSON::new_null();
+    value->JSON_type = ERROR_JSONTYPE;
+    value->if_error = Str::duplicate(msg);
+    return value;

§9. Decoding JSON. We do no actual file-handling in this section, but the following decoder can +be pointed to the contents of UTF-8 text file as needed. +

+ +

The decoder returns a non-NULL pointer in all cases. If the text contains +any malformed JSON anywhere inside it, this pointer will be to a value of type +ERROR_JSONTYPE. Such a value should be thrown away as soon as the error +message is made use of. +

+ +
+JSON_value *JSON::decode(text_stream *T) {
+    return JSON::decode_range(T, 0, Str::len(T));

§10. This decodes the text in the character position range [from, to) as a +JSON value. +

+ +

The possibilities here are [ ... ] for an array, { ... } for an object, +"..." for a string, a token beginning with a digit or a minus sign for a +number (note that + and . are not allowed to open a number according to +the JSON standard), and the special cases true, false and null. +

+ +
+JSON_value *JSON::decode_range(text_stream *T, int from, int to) {
+    int first_nws = -1, last_nws = -1, first_c = 0, last_c = 0;
+    Find the first and last non-whitespace character10.1;
+    switch (first_c) {
+        case '[':
+            if (last_c != ']') return JSON::error(I"mismatched '[' ... ']'");
+            JSON_value *array = JSON::new_array();
+            return JSON::decode_array(array, T, first_nws+1, last_nws);
+        case '{':
+            if (last_c != '}') return JSON::error(I"mismatched '{' ... '}'");
+            JSON_value *obj = JSON::new_object();
+            return JSON::decode_object(obj, T, first_nws+1, last_nws);
+        case '"':
+            if (last_c != '"') return JSON::error(I"mismatched quotation marks");
+            return JSON::decode_string(T, first_nws+1, last_nws);
+    }
+    if ((Characters::isdigit(first_c)) || (first_c == '-'))
+        return JSON::decode_number(T, first_nws, last_nws+1);
+    if ((Str::includes_at(T, first_nws, I"true")) && (last_nws - first_nws == 3))
+        return JSON::new_boolean(TRUE);
+    if ((Str::includes_at(T, first_nws, I"false")) && (last_nws - first_nws == 4))
+        return JSON::new_boolean(FALSE);
+    if ((Str::includes_at(T, first_nws, I"null")) && (last_nws - first_nws == 3))
+        return JSON::new_null();
+    return JSON::error(I"unknown JSON value");

§10.1. Find the first and last non-whitespace character10.1 = +

+ +
+    for (int i=from; i<to; i++)
+        if (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, i)) == FALSE) {
+            first_nws = i; break;
+        }
+    for (int i=to-1; i>=from; i--)
+        if (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, i)) == FALSE) {
+            last_nws = i; break;
+        }
+    if (first_nws < 0) return JSON::error(I"whitespace where JSON value expected");
+    first_c = Str::get_at(T, first_nws);
+    last_c = Str::get_at(T, last_nws);
+ +

§11. So now we have individual decoder functions for each type. First, arrays, where +now the range [from, to) represents what is inside the square brackets: this +needs to be a comma-separated list. We follow ECMA strictly in disallowing a final +comma before the ], unlike some JSON-like parsers. +

+ +
+JSON_value *JSON::decode_array(JSON_value *array, text_stream *T, int from, int to) {
+    int content = FALSE;
+    for (int i=from; i<to; i++)
+        if (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, i)) == FALSE)
+            content = TRUE;
+    if (content == FALSE) return array;
+    NextEntry: ;
+    int first_comma = -1, bl = 0;
+    for (int i=from, quoted = FALSE; i<to; i++) {
+        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(T, i);
+        switch (c) {
+            case '"': quoted = (quoted)?FALSE:TRUE; break;
+            case '\\': if (quoted) i++; break;
+            case ',': if ((first_comma < 0) && (bl == 0)) first_comma = i; break;
+            case '[': case '{': if (quoted == FALSE) bl++; break;
+            case ']': case '}': if (quoted == FALSE) bl--; break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (first_comma >= 0) {
+        array = JSON::decode_array_entry(array, T, from, first_comma);
+        from = first_comma + 1;
+        goto NextEntry;
+    }
+    return JSON::decode_array_entry(array, T, from, to);
+JSON_value *JSON::decode_array_entry(JSON_value *array, text_stream *T, int from, int to) {
+    JSON_value *value = JSON::decode_range(T, from, to);
+    return JSON::add_to_array(array, value);

§12. And similarly for objects. +

+ +
+JSON_value *JSON::decode_object(JSON_value *obj, text_stream *T, int from, int to) {
+    int content = FALSE;
+    for (int i=from; i<to; i++)
+        if (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, i)) == FALSE)
+            content = TRUE;
+    if (content == FALSE) return obj;
+    NextEntry: ;
+    int first_comma = -1, bl = 0;
+    for (int i=from, quoted = FALSE; i<to; i++) {
+        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(T, i);
+        switch (c) {
+            case '"': quoted = (quoted)?FALSE:TRUE; break;
+            case '\\': if (quoted) i++; break;
+            case ',': if ((first_comma < 0) && (bl == 0)) first_comma = i; break;
+            case '[': case '{': if (quoted == FALSE) bl++; break;
+            case ']': case '}': if (quoted == FALSE) bl--; break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (first_comma >= 0) {
+        obj = JSON::decode_object_entry(obj, T, from, first_comma);
+        from = first_comma + 1;
+        goto NextEntry;
+    }
+    return JSON::decode_object_entry(obj, T, from, to);

§13. Note that we allow key names to include all kinds of unconscionable garbage, +as ECMA requires. \u0003\"\t\t\t is a valid JSON key name; so is the empty string. +

+ +

We are however slightly stricter than ECMA in that we disallow duplicate keys +in the same object. ECMA says this is a "semantic consideration that may be defined +by JSON processors". We are hereby defining it. +

+ +
+JSON_value *JSON::decode_object_entry(JSON_value *obj, text_stream *T, int from, int to) {
+    while (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, from))) from++;
+    if (Str::get_at(T, from) != '"')
+        return JSON::error(I"key does not begin with quotation mark");
+    from++;
+    int ended = FALSE;
+    while (from < to) {
+        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(T, from++);
+        if (c == '\"') { ended = TRUE; break; }
+        PUT_TO(key, c);
+        if ((c == '\\') && (from+1 < to)) {
+            c = Str::get_at(T, from++);
+            PUT_TO(key, c);
+        }
+    }
+    if (ended == FALSE) return JSON::error(I"key does not end with quotation mark");
+    while (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, from))) from++;
+    if ((from >= to) || (Str::get_at(T, from) != ':'))
+        return JSON::error(I"key is not followed by ':'");
+    from++;
+    if (JSON::look_up_object(obj, key)) return JSON::error(I"duplicate key");
+    JSON_value *value = JSON::decode_range(T, from, to);
+    obj = JSON::add_to_object(obj, key, value);
+    DISCARD_TEXT(key)
+    return obj;

§14. Numbers are annoying to decode since they can be given either in a restricted +floating-point syntax, or in decimal. ECMA is slippery on the question of exactly +what floating-point numbers can be represented, but it's common to consider +them as being double, so we'll follow suit. +

+ +
+JSON_value *JSON::decode_number(text_stream *T, int from, int to) {
+    while (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, from))) from++;
+    while ((to > from) && (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, to-1)))) to--;
+    if (to <= from) return JSON::error(I"whitespace where number expected");
+    TEMPORARY_TEXT(integer)
+    int at = from;
+    if ((Str::get_at(T, at) == '-') && (to > at+1)) { PUT_TO(integer, '-'); at++; }
+    int double_me = FALSE;
+    for (int i=at; i<to; i++)
+        if (Characters::isdigit(Str::get_at(T, i)))
+            PUT_TO(integer, Str::get_at(T, i));
+        else if ((Str::get_at(T, i) == 'E') || (Str::get_at(T, i) == 'e') ||
+            (Str::get_at(T, i) == '.') || (Str::get_at(T, i) == '+'))
+            double_me = TRUE;
+        else
+            return JSON::error(I"number is not a decimal integer");
+    JSON_value *value = NULL;
+    if (double_me) {
+        char double_buffer[32];
+        for (int i=0; i<32; i++) double_buffer[i] = 0;
+        for (int i=from; (i<to) && (i-from<31); i++)
+            double_buffer[i-from] = (char) Str::get_at(T, i);
+        double d = atof(double_buffer);
+        if (isnan(d)) return JSON::error(I"number is not allowed to be NaN");
+        value = JSON::new_double(d);
+    } else {
+        int N = Str::atoi(integer, 0);
+        value = JSON::new_number(N);
+    }
+    DISCARD_TEXT(integer)
+    return value;

§15. Strings are easy except for escape characters. I have no idea why JSON wants +to allow the escaping of forward slash, but the standard requires it. +

+ +
+JSON_value *JSON::decode_string(text_stream *T, int from, int to) {
+    TEMPORARY_TEXT(string)
+    for (int i=from; i<to; i++) {
+        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(T, i);
+        if (c == '\\') {
+            i++;
+            c = Str::get_at(T, i);
+            if ((c >= 0) && (c < 32)) return JSON::error(I"unescaped control character");
+            switch (c) {
+                case 'b': c = 8; break;
+                case 't': c = 9; break;
+                case 'n': c = 10; break;
+                case 'f': c = 12; break;
+                case 'r': c = 13; break;
+                case '\\': break;
+                case '/': break;
+                case 'u': Decode a hexadecimal Unicode escape15.1; break;
+                default: return JSON::error(I"bad '\\' escape in string");
+            }
+            PUT_TO(string, c);
+        } else {
+            PUT_TO(string, c);
+        }
+    }
+    JSON_value *val = JSON::new_string(string);
+    DISCARD_TEXT(string)
+    return val;

§15.1. We don't quite fully implement ECMA here: the following is fine for code points +in the Basic Multilingual Plane, but we don't handle the curious UTF-16 surrogate pair +rule for code points between 0x10000 and 0x10fff. +

+ +

Decode a hexadecimal Unicode escape15.1 = +

+ +
+    if (i+4 >= to) return JSON::error(I"incomplete '\\u' escape");
+    int hex = 0;
+    for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
+        int v = 0;
+        wchar_t digit = Str::get_at(T, i+1+j);
+        if ((digit >= '0') && (digit <= '9')) v = (int) (digit-'0');
+        else if ((digit >= 'a') && (digit <= 'f')) v = 10 + ((int) (digit-'a'));
+        else if ((digit >= 'A') && (digit <= 'F')) v = 10 + ((int) (digit-'A'));
+        else return JSON::error(I"garbled '\\u' escape");
+        hex = hex * 16 + v;
+    }
+    c = (wchar_t) hex;
+    i += 4;
+ +

§16. Encoding JSON.

+ +
+void JSON::encode(OUTPUT_STREAM, JSON_value *J) {
+    if (J == NULL) internal_error("no JSON value supplied");
+    switch (J->JSON_type) {
+        case ERROR_JSONTYPE:
+            internal_error("tried to encode erroneous JSON");
+        case NUMBER_JSONTYPE:
+            WRITE("%d", J->if_integer);
+            break;
+        case DOUBLE_JSONTYPE:
+            WRITE("%g", J->if_double);
+            break;
+        case STRING_JSONTYPE:
+            WRITE("\""); JSON::encode_string(OUT, J->if_string); WRITE("\"");
+            break;
+        case BOOLEAN_JSONTYPE:
+            if (J->if_boolean == TRUE) WRITE("true");
+            else if (J->if_boolean == FALSE) WRITE("false");
+            else internal_error("improper boolean JSON value");
+            break;
+        case ARRAY_JSONTYPE: {
+            WRITE("[");
+            int count = 0;
+            JSON_value *E;
+            LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(E, JSON_value, J->if_list) {
+                if (count++ > 0) WRITE(",");
+                WRITE(" ");
+                JSON::encode(OUT, E);
+            }
+            if (count > 0) WRITE(" ");
+            WRITE("]");
+            break;
+        }
+        case OBJECT_JSONTYPE: {
+            WRITE("{\n"); INDENT;
+            int count = 0;
+            text_stream *key;
+            LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(key, text_stream, J->list_if_object) {
+                if (count++ > 0) WRITE(",\n");
+                JSON_value *E = Dictionaries::read_value(J->dictionary_if_object, key);
+                if (E == NULL) internal_error("broken JSON object dictionary");
+                WRITE("\"");
+                JSON::encode_string(OUT, key);
+                WRITE("\": ");
+                JSON::encode(OUT, E);
+            }
+            if (count > 0) WRITE("\n");
+            OUTDENT; WRITE("}");
+            break;
+        }
+        case NULL_JSONTYPE:
+            WRITE("null");
+            break;
+        default: internal_error("unsupported JSON value type");
+    }

§17. Note that we elect not to escape the slash character, or any Unicode code +points above 32. +

+ +
+void JSON::encode_string(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *T) {
+    LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, T) {
+        wchar_t c = Str::get(pos);
+        switch (c) {
+            case '\\': WRITE("\\\\"); break;
+            case 8: WRITE("\\b"); break;
+            case 9: WRITE("\\t"); break;
+            case 10: WRITE("\\n"); break;
+            case 12: WRITE("\\f"); break;
+            case 13: WRITE("\\r"); break;
+            default:
+                if ((c >= 0) && (c < 32)) WRITE("\\u%04x", c);
+                else PUT(c);
+                break;
+        }
+    }

§18. Requirements. Of course, the trouble with JSON is that it's a soup of undifferentiated data. +Just because you're expecting a pair of numbers, there's no reason to suppose +that's what you've been given, even if what you were given has parsed successfully. +

+ +

The following is an intentionally similar tree structure to JSON_value, +but with requirements in place of values throughout, and with each member of +an object marked as optional or mandatory. +

+ +
+typedef struct JSON_requirement {
+    int JSON_type;
+    struct JSON_requirement *all_if_list;
+    struct linked_list *if_list;  of JSON_requirement
+    struct dictionary *dictionary_if_object;  to JSON_pair_requirement
+    struct linked_list *list_if_object;  of text_stream
+    struct text_stream *if_error;
+    int encoding_number;
+} JSON_requirement;
+typedef struct JSON_pair_requirement {
+    struct JSON_requirement *req;
+    int optional;
+} JSON_pair_requirement;
+ +

§19. The following constructor is used for everything... +

+ +
+JSON_requirement *JSON::require(int t) {
+    JSON_requirement *req = CREATE(JSON_requirement);
+    req->JSON_type = t;
+    req->all_if_list = NULL;
+    req->if_list = NULL;
+    if (t == ARRAY_JSONTYPE) req->if_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(JSON_requirement);
+    req->dictionary_if_object = NULL;
+    req->list_if_object = NULL;
+    if (t == OBJECT_JSONTYPE) {
+        req->dictionary_if_object = Dictionaries::new(16, FALSE);
+        req->list_if_object = NEW_LINKED_LIST(text_stream);
+    }
+    req->if_error = NULL;
+    req->encoding_number = 0;
+    return req;

§20. ...except for "array of any number of entries each matching this": +

+ +
+JSON_requirement *JSON::require_array_of(JSON_requirement *E_req) {
+    JSON_requirement *req = JSON::require(ARRAY_JSONTYPE);
+    req->all_if_list = E_req;
+    return req;

§21. If an array wants to be a tuple with a fixed number of entries, each with +its own requirement, then instead call JSON::require(ARRAY_JSONTYPE) and +then make a number of calls to the following in sequence: +

+ +
+void JSON::require_entry(JSON_requirement *req_array, JSON_requirement *req_entry) {
+    if (req_array == NULL) internal_error("no array");
+    if (req_array->JSON_type != ARRAY_JSONTYPE) internal_error("not an array requirement");
+    if (req_entry == NULL) internal_error("no new entry");
+    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(req_entry, JSON_requirement, req_array->if_list);

§22. Similarly, create an object requirement with JSON::require(OBJECT_JSONTYPE) +and then either require or allow key-value pairs with: +

+ +
+void JSON::require_pair(JSON_requirement *req_obj, text_stream *key, JSON_requirement *req) {
+    JSON::require_pair_inner(req_obj, key, req, FALSE);
+void JSON::allow_pair(JSON_requirement *req_obj, text_stream *key, JSON_requirement *req) {
+    JSON::require_pair_inner(req_obj, key, req, TRUE);
+void JSON::require_pair_inner(JSON_requirement *req_obj, text_stream *key,
+    JSON_requirement *req, int opt) {
+    if (req_obj == NULL) internal_error("no object");
+    if (req_obj->JSON_type != OBJECT_JSONTYPE) internal_error("not an object requirement");
+    if (req == NULL) internal_error("no val req");
+    key = Str::duplicate(key);
+    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(key, text_stream, req_obj->list_if_object);
+    JSON_pair_requirement *pr = CREATE(JSON_pair_requirement);
+    pr->req = req;
+    pr->optional = opt;
+    dict_entry *de = Dictionaries::create(req_obj->dictionary_if_object, key);
+    if (de) de->value = pr;

§23. This then extracts the requirement on a given key, or returns NULL is if +is not permitted: +

+ +
+JSON_pair_requirement *JSON::look_up_pair(JSON_requirement *req_obj, text_stream *key) {
+    if (req_obj == NULL) internal_error("no object");
+    if (req_obj->JSON_type != OBJECT_JSONTYPE) internal_error("not an object");
+    dict_entry *de = Dictionaries::find(req_obj->dictionary_if_object, key);
+    if (de == NULL) return NULL;
+    return de->value;

§24. This is used when parsing textual requirements, to indicate a syntax error: +

+ +
+JSON_requirement *JSON::error_req(text_stream *msg) {
+    JSON_requirement *req = JSON::require(ERROR_JSONTYPE);
+    req->if_error = Str::duplicate(msg);
+    return req;

§25. The following returns TRUE if the value meets the requirement in full; +if not, FALSE, and then if errs is not null, a list of error messages is +appended to the linked list errs. +

+ +

The stack here is used to give better error messages by locating where the +problem was: e.g. "object.coordinates[1]" is the result of the stack +holding "object" > ".cooordinates" > "[1]". See // +

+ +
+int JSON::verify(JSON_value *val, JSON_requirement *req, linked_list *errs) {
+    lifo_stack *location = NEW_LIFO_STACK(text_stream);
+    if ((val) && (val->JSON_type == ARRAY_JSONTYPE)) {
+        PUSH_TO_LIFO_STACK(I"array", text_stream, location);
+    }
+    if ((val) && (val->JSON_type == OBJECT_JSONTYPE)) {
+        PUSH_TO_LIFO_STACK(I"object", text_stream, location);
+    }
+    return JSON::verify_r(val, req, errs, location);
+void JSON::verify_error(linked_list *errs, text_stream *err, lifo_stack *location) {
+    if (errs) {
+        text_stream *msg = Str::new();
+        int S = LinkedLists::len(location);
+        for (int i=S-1; i>=0; i--) {
+            int c = 0;
+            text_stream *seg;
+            LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(seg, text_stream, location)
+                if (c++ == i)
+                    WRITE_TO(msg, "%S", seg);
+        }
+        if (Str::len(msg) > 0) WRITE_TO(msg, ": ");
+        WRITE_TO(msg, "%S", err);
+        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(msg, text_stream, errs);
+    }

§26. So this is the recursive verification function: +

+ +
+int JSON::verify_r(JSON_value *val, JSON_requirement *req, linked_list *errs,
+    lifo_stack *location) {
+    if (val == NULL) internal_error("no value");
+    if (req == NULL) internal_error("no req");
+    if (val->JSON_type == ERROR_JSONTYPE) {
+        JSON::verify_error(errs, I"erroneous JSON value from parsing bad text", location);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    Verify that the JSON type is correct26.1;
+    int outcome = TRUE;
+    if (val->JSON_type == ARRAY_JSONTYPE)
+        Verify that the array entries meet requirements26.2;
+    if (val->JSON_type == OBJECT_JSONTYPE)
+        Verify that the object members meet requirements26.3;
+    return outcome;

§26.1. Verify that the JSON type is correct26.1 = +

+ +
+    if (val->JSON_type != req->JSON_type) {
+        if (errs) {
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(msg)
+            WRITE_TO(msg, "expected ");
+            JSON::write_type(msg, req->JSON_type);
+            WRITE_TO(msg, " but found ");
+            JSON::write_type(msg, val->JSON_type);
+            JSON::verify_error(errs, msg, location);
+            DISCARD_TEXT(msg)
+        }
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+ +

§26.2. Verify that the array entries meet requirements26.2 = +

+ +
+    int count = 0;
+    JSON_value *E;
+    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(E, JSON_value, val->if_list) {
+        JSON_requirement *E_req = req->all_if_list;
+        if (E_req == NULL) {
+            JSON_requirement *A_req;
+            int rcount = 0;
+            LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(A_req, JSON_requirement, req->if_list)
+                if (rcount++ == count)
+                    E_req = A_req;
+        }
+        TEMPORARY_TEXT(at)
+        WRITE_TO(at, "[%d]", count);
+        PUSH_TO_LIFO_STACK(at, text_stream, location);
+        if (E_req == NULL) {
+            JSON::verify_error(errs, I"unexpected array entry", location);
+            outcome = FALSE;
+        } else {
+            if (JSON::verify_r(E, E_req, errs, location) == FALSE) outcome = FALSE;
+        }
+        POP_LIFO_STACK(text_stream, location);
+        DISCARD_TEXT(at)
+        count++;
+    }
+ +

§26.3. Verify that the object members meet requirements26.3 = +

+ +
+    text_stream *key;
+    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(key, text_stream, val->list_if_object) {
+        JSON_value *E = Dictionaries::read_value(val->dictionary_if_object, key);
+        if (E == NULL) internal_error("broken JSON object dictionary");
+        JSON_pair_requirement *pr = JSON::look_up_pair(req, key);
+        TEMPORARY_TEXT(at)
+        WRITE_TO(at, ".%S", key);
+        PUSH_TO_LIFO_STACK(at, text_stream, location);
+        if (pr == NULL) {
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(msg)
+            WRITE_TO(msg, "unexpected member '%S'", key);
+            JSON::verify_error(errs, msg, location);
+            DISCARD_TEXT(msg)
+            outcome = FALSE;
+        } else {
+            if (JSON::verify_r(E, pr->req, errs, location) == FALSE) outcome = FALSE;
+        }
+        POP_LIFO_STACK(text_stream, location);
+        DISCARD_TEXT(at)
+    }
+    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(key, text_stream, req->list_if_object) {
+        JSON_pair_requirement *pr = Dictionaries::read_value(req->dictionary_if_object, key);
+        if (pr == NULL) internal_error("broken JSON object requirement");
+        if (pr->optional == FALSE) {
+            JSON_value *E = JSON::look_up_object(val, key);
+            if (E == NULL) {
+                TEMPORARY_TEXT(msg)
+                WRITE_TO(msg, "member '%S' missing", key);
+                JSON::verify_error(errs, msg, location);
+                DISCARD_TEXT(msg)
+                outcome = FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ +

§27. Decoding JSON requirements. It's convenient to be able to read and write these requirements to textual +form, exactly as we do with JSON itself, and here goes. +

+ +

This is an example of the syntax we parse. It's JSON except that +

+ + +

For example: +

+ +
+    "coordinates": [ double, double, string ],
+    ?"jurisdiction": string,
+    "journal": [ {
+        "date": number,
+        "entry": string
+    }* ]

This function is essentially the same as JSON::decode, but returning a +requirement rather than a value, and therefore a little simpler. Note that +known_names can be NULL to have it not recognise any such names; there's +no need to create an empty dictionary in this case. +

+ +
+JSON_requirement *JSON::decode_req(text_stream *T, dictionary *known_names) {
+    return JSON::decode_req_range(T, 0, Str::len(T), known_names);

§28. This decodes the text in the character position range [from, to) as a +JSON requirement. +

+ +
+JSON_requirement *JSON::decode_req_range(text_stream *T, int from, int to,
+    dictionary *known_names) {
+    int first_nws = -1, last_nws = -1, first_c = 0, last_c = 0;
+    Find the first and last non-whitespace character in requirement28.1;
+    switch (first_c) {
+        case '[':
+            if (last_c != ']') return JSON::error_req(I"mismatched '[' ... ']'");
+            JSON_requirement *array = JSON::require(ARRAY_JSONTYPE);
+            return JSON::decode_req_array(array, T, first_nws+1, last_nws, known_names);
+        case '{':
+            if (last_c != '}') return JSON::error_req(I"mismatched '{' ... '}'");
+            JSON_requirement *obj = JSON::require(OBJECT_JSONTYPE);
+            return JSON::decode_req_object(obj, T, first_nws+1, last_nws, known_names);
+        case '<':
+            if (last_c != '>') return JSON::error_req(I"mismatched '<' ... '>'");
+            JSON_requirement *known = NULL;
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(name)
+            for (int i = first_nws+1; i<last_nws; i++)
+                PUT_TO(name, Str::get_at(T, i));
+            if (known_names) {
+                dict_entry *de = Dictionaries::find(known_names, name);
+                if (de == NULL) return JSON::error_req(I"unknown '<name>'");
+                known = de->value;
+            } else {
+                return JSON::error_req(I"'<' ... '>' not allowed");
+            }
+            DISCARD_TEXT(name)
+            return known;
+    }
+    if ((Str::includes_at(T, first_nws, I"number")) && (last_nws - first_nws == 5))
+        return JSON::require(NUMBER_JSONTYPE);
+    if ((Str::includes_at(T, first_nws, I"double")) && (last_nws - first_nws == 5))
+        return JSON::require(DOUBLE_JSONTYPE);
+    if ((Str::includes_at(T, first_nws, I"string")) && (last_nws - first_nws == 5))
+        return JSON::require(STRING_JSONTYPE);
+    if ((Str::includes_at(T, first_nws, I"boolean")) && (last_nws - first_nws == 6))
+        return JSON::require(BOOLEAN_JSONTYPE);
+    if ((Str::includes_at(T, first_nws, I"null")) && (last_nws - first_nws == 3))
+        return JSON::require(NULL_JSONTYPE);
+    return JSON::error_req(I"unknown JSON value");

§28.1. Find the first and last non-whitespace character in requirement28.1 = +

+ +
+    for (int i=from; i<to; i++)
+        if (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, i)) == FALSE) {
+            first_nws = i; break;
+        }
+    for (int i=to-1; i>=from; i--)
+        if (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, i)) == FALSE) {
+            last_nws = i; break;
+        }
+    if (first_nws < 0) return JSON::error_req(I"whitespace where requirement expected");
+    first_c = Str::get_at(T, first_nws);
+    last_c = Str::get_at(T, last_nws);
+ +

§29. Array requirements: +

+ +
+JSON_requirement *JSON::decode_req_array(JSON_requirement *array, text_stream *T,
+    int from, int to, dictionary *known_names) {
+    int content = FALSE;
+    for (int i=from; i<to; i++)
+        if (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, i)) == FALSE)
+            content = TRUE;
+    if (content == FALSE) return array;
+    while ((to > from) && (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, to-1)))) to--;
+    if (Str::get_at(T, to-1) == '*') {
+        to--;
+        return JSON::require_array_of(JSON::decode_req_range(T, from, to, known_names));
+    }
+    NextEntry: ;
+    int first_comma = -1, bl = 0;
+    for (int i=from, quoted = FALSE; i<to; i++) {
+        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(T, i);
+        switch (c) {
+            case '"': quoted = (quoted)?FALSE:TRUE; break;
+            case '\\': if (quoted) i++; break;
+            case ',': if ((first_comma < 0) && (bl == 0)) first_comma = i; break;
+            case '[': case '{': if (quoted == FALSE) bl++; break;
+            case ']': case '}': if (quoted == FALSE) bl--; break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (first_comma >= 0) {
+        array = JSON::decode_req_array_entry(array, T, from, first_comma, known_names);
+        from = first_comma + 1;
+        goto NextEntry;
+    }
+    return JSON::decode_req_array_entry(array, T, from, to, known_names);
+JSON_requirement *JSON::decode_req_array_entry(JSON_requirement *array, text_stream *T,
+    int from, int to, dictionary *known_names) {
+    JSON_requirement *req = JSON::decode_req_range(T, from, to, known_names);
+    JSON::require_entry(array, req);
+    return array;

§30. And similarly for objects. +

+ +
+JSON_requirement *JSON::decode_req_object(JSON_requirement *obj, text_stream *T,
+    int from, int to, dictionary *known_names) {
+    int content = FALSE;
+    for (int i=from; i<to; i++)
+        if (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, i)) == FALSE)
+            content = TRUE;
+    if (content == FALSE) return obj;
+    NextEntry: ;
+    int first_comma = -1, bl = 0;
+    for (int i=from, quoted = FALSE; i<to; i++) {
+        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(T, i);
+        switch (c) {
+            case '"': quoted = (quoted)?FALSE:TRUE; break;
+            case '\\': if (quoted) i++; break;
+            case ',': if ((first_comma < 0) && (bl == 0)) first_comma = i; break;
+            case '[': case '{': if (quoted == FALSE) bl++; break;
+            case ']': case '}': if (quoted == FALSE) bl--; break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (first_comma >= 0) {
+        obj = JSON::decode_req_object_entry(obj, T, from, first_comma, known_names);
+        from = first_comma + 1;
+        goto NextEntry;
+    }
+    return JSON::decode_req_object_entry(obj, T, from, to, known_names);
+JSON_requirement *JSON::decode_req_object_entry(JSON_requirement *obj, text_stream *T,
+    int from, int to, dictionary *known_names) {
+    int optional = FALSE;
+    while (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, from))) from++;
+    if (Str::get_at(T, from) == '?') { optional = TRUE; from++; }
+    while (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, from))) from++;
+    if (Str::get_at(T, from) != '"')
+        return JSON::error_req(I"key does not begin with quotation mark");
+    from++;
+    int ended = FALSE;
+    while (from < to) {
+        wchar_t c = Str::get_at(T, from++);
+        if (c == '\"') { ended = TRUE; break; }
+        PUT_TO(key, c);
+        if ((c == '\\') && (from+1 < to)) {
+            c = Str::get_at(T, from++);
+            PUT_TO(key, c);
+        }
+    }
+    if (ended == FALSE) return JSON::error_req(I"key does not end with quotation mark");
+    while (Characters::is_whitespace(Str::get_at(T, from))) from++;
+    if ((from >= to) || (Str::get_at(T, from) != ':'))
+        return JSON::error_req(I"key is not followed by ':'");
+    from++;
+    if (JSON::look_up_pair(obj, key)) return JSON::error_req(I"duplicate key");
+    JSON_requirement *req = JSON::decode_req_range(T, from, to, known_names);
+    if (optional) JSON::allow_pair(obj, key, req);
+    else JSON::require_pair(obj, key, req);
+    DISCARD_TEXT(key)
+    return obj;

§31. Encoding JSON requirements. This is now simple, with one caveat. It's possible to set up requirement trees +so that they are not well-founded. For example: +

+ +
+    JSON_requirement *set = JSON::require(ARRAY_JSONTYPE);
+    set->all_if_list = set;

This is not useless: it matches, say, [], [ [] ] and [ [], [ [] ] ] +and other constructions giving amusement to set theorists. But it would cause +the following to hang without the check on "encoding numbers", which in effect +detect whether a requirement has already been printed in this round. +

+ +
+int unique_JSON_encoding = 1;
+void JSON::encode_req(OUTPUT_STREAM, JSON_requirement *req) {
+    JSON::encode_req_r(OUT, req, ++unique_JSON_encoding);
+void JSON::encode_req_r(OUTPUT_STREAM, JSON_requirement *req, int uniq) {
+    if (req == NULL) internal_error("no JSON value supplied");
+    if (req->encoding_number == uniq) {
+        WRITE("<req %d>", req->allocation_id);
+    } else {
+        req->encoding_number = uniq;
+        switch (req->JSON_type) {
+            case ARRAY_JSONTYPE: {
+                WRITE("[");
+                if (req->all_if_list) {
+                    WRITE(" ");
+                    JSON::encode_req_r(OUT, req->all_if_list, uniq);
+                    WRITE("* ");
+                } else {
+                    int count = 0;
+                    JSON_requirement *E_req;
+                    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(E_req, JSON_requirement, req->if_list) {
+                        if (count++ > 0) WRITE(",");
+                        WRITE(" ");
+                        JSON::encode_req_r(OUT, E_req, uniq);
+                    }
+                    if (count > 0) WRITE(" ");
+                }
+                WRITE("]");
+                break;
+            }
+            case OBJECT_JSONTYPE: {
+                WRITE("{\n"); INDENT;
+                int count = 0;
+                text_stream *key;
+                LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(key, text_stream, req->list_if_object) {
+                    if (count++ > 0) WRITE(",\n");
+                    JSON_pair_requirement *pr =
+                        Dictionaries::read_value(req->dictionary_if_object, key);
+                    if (pr == NULL) internal_error("broken JSON req dictionary");
+                    if (pr->optional) WRITE("?");
+                    WRITE("\"");
+                    JSON::encode_string(OUT, key);
+                    WRITE("\": ");
+                    JSON::encode_req_r(OUT, pr->req, uniq);
+                }
+                if (count > 0) WRITE("\n");
+                OUTDENT; WRITE("}");
+                break;
+            }
+            default: JSON::write_type(OUT, req->JSON_type);
+        }
+    }
+ + +