+ + +

To construct Readme and similar files.

+ +

§1. This is a very simple generator for README.md files, written in Markdown +syntax, but with a few macro expansions of our own. The prototype file, which +uses these extra macros, is expanded to the final file, which does not. +

+ +

As we scan through the prototype file, we keep track of this: +

+ + +
+    typedef struct write_state {
+        struct text_stream *OUT;
+        struct linked_list *known_macros;     of macro
+        struct macro *current_definition;
+        struct macro_tokens *stack_frame;
+    } write_state;
+    void Readme::write(filename *from, filename *to) {
+        WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "write-me: %f --> %f\n", from, to);
+        write_state ws;
+        ws.current_definition = NULL;
+        ws.known_macros = NEW_LINKED_LIST(macro);
+        macro *V = Readme::new_macro(I"version", NULL, NULL);
+        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(V, macro, ws.known_macros);
+        macro *P = Readme::new_macro(I"purpose", NULL, NULL);
+        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(P, macro, ws.known_macros);
+        macro *A = Readme::new_macro(I"var", NULL, NULL);
+        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(A, macro, ws.known_macros);
+        ws.stack_frame = NULL;
+        text_stream file_to;
+        if (Streams::open_to_file(&file_to, to, UTF8_ENC) == FALSE)
+            Errors::fatal_with_file("can't write readme file", to);
+        ws.OUT = &file_to;
+        TextFiles::read(from, FALSE, "unable to read template file", TRUE,
+            &Readme::write_helper, NULL, (void *) &ws);
+        Streams::close(&file_to);
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::write is used in 1/pc (§7.1).

+ +

The structure write_state is private to this section.

+ +

§2. The file consists of definitions of macros, made one at a time, and +starting with @define and finishing with @end, and actual material. +

+ + +
+    void Readme::write_helper(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
+        write_state *ws = (write_state *) state;
+        text_stream *OUT = ws->OUT;
+        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
+        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L" *@end *")) {
+            if (ws->current_definition == NULL)
+                Errors::in_text_file("@end without @define", tfp);
+            else ws->current_definition = NULL;
+        } else if (ws->current_definition) {
+            if (Str::len(ws->current_definition->content) > 0)
+                WRITE_TO(ws->current_definition->content, "\n");
+            WRITE_TO(ws->current_definition->content, "%S", text);
+        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L" *@define (%i+)(%c*)")) {
+            if (ws->current_definition)
+                Errors::in_text_file("@define without @end", tfp);
+            else {
+                macro *M = Readme::new_macro(mr.exp[0], mr.exp[1], tfp);
+                ws->current_definition = M;
+                ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(M, macro, ws->known_macros);
+            }
+        } else {
+            Readme::expand_material(ws, OUT, text, tfp);
+            Readme::expand_material(ws, OUT, I"\n", tfp);
+        }
+        Regexp::dispose_of(&mr);
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::write_helper is used in §1.

+ +

§3. The "content" of a macro is its definition, and the tokens are named +parameters. +

+ + +
+    typedef struct macro {
+        struct text_stream *name;
+        struct text_stream *content;
+        struct macro_tokens tokens;
+    } macro;
+    macro *Readme::new_macro(text_stream *name, text_stream *tokens, text_file_position *tfp) {
+        macro *M = CREATE(macro);
+        M->name = Str::duplicate(name);
+        M->tokens = Readme::parse_token_list(tokens, tfp);
+        M->content = Str::new();
+        return M;
+    }
+    typedef struct macro_tokens {
+        struct macro *bound_to;
+        struct text_stream *pars[8];
+        int no_pars;
+        struct macro_tokens *down;
+    } macro_tokens;
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::new_macro is used in §1, §2.

+ +

The structure macro is private to this section.

+ +

The structure macro_tokens is private to this section.

+ +


+ + +
+    macro_tokens Readme::parse_token_list(text_stream *chunk, text_file_position *tfp) {
+        macro_tokens mt;
+        mt.no_pars = 0;
+        mt.down = NULL;
+        mt.bound_to = NULL;
+        if (Str::get_first_char(chunk) == '(') {
+            int x = 1, bl = 1, from = 1, quoted = FALSE;
+            while ((bl > 0) && (Str::get_at(chunk, x) != 0)) {
+                wchar_t c = Str::get_at(chunk, x);
+                if (c == '\'') {
+                    quoted = quoted?FALSE:TRUE;
+                } else if (quoted == FALSE) {
+                    if (c == '(') bl++;
+                    else if (c == ')') {
+                        bl--;
+                        if (bl == 0) <Recognise token 4.1>;
+                    } else if ((c == ',') && (bl == 1)) <Recognise token 4.1>;
+                }
+                x++;
+            }
+            Str::delete_n_characters(chunk, x);
+        }
+        return mt;
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::parse_token_list is used in §3, §5.

+ +

§4.1. Quotes can be used in token lists so that literal commas and brackets can +be used without breaking the flow. +

+ + +

+<Recognise token 4.1> = +

+ + +
+        int n = mt.no_pars;
+        if (n >= 8) Errors::in_text_file("too many parameters", tfp);
+        else {
+            mt.pars[n] = Str::new();
+            for (int j=from; j<x; j++) PUT_TO(mt.pars[n], Str::get_at(chunk, j));
+            Str::trim_white_space(mt.pars[n]);
+            if ((Str::get_first_char(mt.pars[n]) == '\'') &&
+                (Str::get_last_char(mt.pars[n]) == '\'')) {
+                Str::delete_first_character(mt.pars[n]);
+                Str::delete_last_character(mt.pars[n]);
+            }
+            mt.no_pars++;
+        }
+        from = x+1;
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §4 (twice).

+ +

§5. So much for creating macros. Now we can write the actual expander. As can +be seen, it passes material straight through, except for instances of the +notation @name, possibly followed by a bracketed list of parameters. +

+ + +
+    void Readme::expand_material(write_state *ws, text_stream *OUT, text_stream *text,
+        text_file_position *tfp) {
+        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
+        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"(%c*?)@(%i+)(%c*)")) {
+            Readme::expand_material(ws, OUT, mr.exp[0], tfp);
+            macro_tokens mt = Readme::parse_token_list(mr.exp[2], tfp);
+            mt.down = ws->stack_frame;
+            ws->stack_frame = &mt;
+            Readme::expand_at(ws, OUT, mr.exp[1], tfp);
+            ws->stack_frame = mt.down;
+            Readme::expand_material(ws, OUT, mr.exp[2], tfp);
+        } else {
+            WRITE("%S", text);
+        }
+        Regexp::dispose_of(&mr);
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::expand_material is used in §2, §6, §7, §7.1, §7.2, §7.3.

+ +

§6. If we run into the notation @something, it's possible that something is +the name of a parameter somewhere in the current stack, either on the top +frame or on frames lower down. The first match wins... and if there are no +matches, then it must be a macro name. +

+ + +
+    void Readme::expand_at(write_state *ws, text_stream *OUT, text_stream *macro_name,
+        text_file_position *tfp) {
+        macro_tokens *stack = ws->stack_frame;
+        while (stack) {
+            macro *in = stack->bound_to;
+            if (in)
+                for (int n = 0; n < in->tokens.no_pars; n++)
+                    if (Str::eq(in->tokens.pars[n], macro_name)) {
+                        if (n < stack->no_pars) {
+                            Readme::expand_material(ws, OUT, stack->pars[n], tfp);
+                            return;
+                        }
+                    }
+            stack = stack->down;
+        }
+        macro *M;
+        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(M, macro, ws->known_macros)
+            if (Str::eq(M->name, macro_name)) {
+                ws->stack_frame->bound_to = M;
+                Readme::expand_macro(ws, OUT, M, tfp);
+                return;
+            }
+        Errors::in_text_file("no such @-command", tfp);
+        WRITE_TO(STDERR, "(command is '%S')\n", macro_name);
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::expand_at is used in §5.

+ +

§7. So, then: suppose we have to expand @example(5, gold rings). Then the +macro_name below is set to example, and the current stack frame contains the +values 5 and gold rings. +

+ + +
+    void Readme::expand_macro(write_state *ws, text_stream *OUT, macro *M, text_file_position *tfp) {
+        if (Str::eq(M->name, I"version")) <Perform built-in expansion of version macro 7.1>
+        else if (Str::eq(M->name, I"purpose")) <Perform built-in expansion of purpose macro 7.2>
+        else if (Str::eq(M->name, I"var")) <Perform built-in expansion of var macro 7.3>
+        else {
+            ws->stack_frame->bound_to = M;
+            Readme::expand_material(ws, OUT, M->content, tfp);
+        }
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::expand_macro is used in §6.

+ +

§7.1. +<Perform built-in expansion of version macro 7.1> = +

+ + +
+        if (ws->stack_frame->no_pars != 1)
+            Errors::in_text_file("@version takes 1 parameter", tfp);
+        else {
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(program);
+            Readme::expand_material(ws, program, ws->stack_frame->pars[0], tfp);
+            Readme::write_var(ws, OUT, program, I"Version Number", tfp);
+            DISCARD_TEXT(program);
+        }
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §7.

+ +

§7.2. +<Perform built-in expansion of purpose macro 7.2> = +

+ + +
+        if (ws->stack_frame->no_pars != 1)
+            Errors::in_text_file("@purpose takes 1 parameter", tfp);
+        else {
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(program);
+            Readme::expand_material(ws, program, ws->stack_frame->pars[0], tfp);
+            Readme::write_var(ws, OUT, program, I"Purpose", tfp);
+            DISCARD_TEXT(program);
+        }
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §7.

+ +

§7.3. +<Perform built-in expansion of var macro 7.3> = +

+ + +
+        if (ws->stack_frame->no_pars != 2)
+            Errors::in_text_file("@var takes 2 parameters", tfp);
+        else {
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(program);
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(bibv);
+            Readme::expand_material(ws, program, ws->stack_frame->pars[0], tfp);
+            Readme::expand_material(ws, bibv, ws->stack_frame->pars[1], tfp);
+            Readme::write_var(ws, OUT, program, bibv, tfp);
+            DISCARD_TEXT(program);
+            DISCARD_TEXT(bibv);
+        }
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §7.

+ +

§8. An "asset" here is something for which we might want to write the version +number of, or some similar metadata for. Assets are usually webs, but can +also be a few other rather Inform-specific things; those have a more limited +range of bibliographic data, just the version and date (and we will not +assume that the version complies with any format). +

+ + +
+    typedef struct writeme_asset {
+        struct text_stream *name;
+        struct web *if_web;
+        struct text_stream *date;
+        struct text_stream *version;
+        int next_is_version;
+    } writeme_asset;
+    void Readme::write_var(write_state *ws, text_stream *OUT,
+        text_stream *program, text_stream *datum, text_file_position *tfp) {
+        writeme_asset *A = Readme::find_asset(program);
+        if (A->if_web) WRITE("%S", Bibliographic::get_datum(A->if_web, datum));
+        else if (Str::eq(datum, I"Build Date")) WRITE("%S", A->date);
+        else if (Str::eq(datum, I"Version Number")) WRITE("%S", A->version);
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::write_var is used in §7.1, §7.2, §7.3.

+ +

The structure writeme_asset is private to this section.

+ +

§9. That just leaves the business of inspecting assets to obtain their metadata. +

+ + +
+    writeme_asset *Readme::find_asset(text_stream *program) {
+        writeme_asset *A;
+        LOOP_OVER(A, writeme_asset) if (Str::eq(program, A->name)) return A;
+        A = CREATE(writeme_asset);
+        A->name = Str::duplicate(program);
+        A->if_web = NULL;
+        A->date = Str::new();
+        A->version = Str::new();
+        A->next_is_version = FALSE;
+        <Read in the asset 9.1>;
+        return A;
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::find_asset is used in §8.

+ +

§9.1. +<Read in the asset 9.1> = +

+ + +
+        if (Str::ends_with_wide_string(program, L".i7x")) {
+            <Read in the extension file 9.1.1>;
+        } else {
+            filename *F = Filenames::in_folder(Pathnames::from_text(program), I"Contents.w");
+            if (TextFiles::exists(F)) {
+                A->if_web = Reader::load_web(Pathnames::from_text(program), NULL, NULL, FALSE,
+                    V2_SYNTAX, NULL, FALSE);
+            } else {
+                filename *I6_vn = Filenames::in_folder(
+                    Pathnames::subfolder(Pathnames::from_text(program), I"inform6"), I"header.h");
+                if (TextFiles::exists(I6_vn)) <Read in I6 source header file 9.1.2>;
+                filename *template_vn = Filenames::in_folder(Pathnames::from_text(program), I"(manifest).txt");
+                if (TextFiles::exists(template_vn)) <Read in template manifest file 9.1.3>;
+                filename *rmt_vn = Filenames::in_folder(Pathnames::from_text(program), I"README.txt");
+                if (TextFiles::exists(rmt_vn)) <Read in README file 9.1.4>;
+                rmt_vn = Filenames::in_folder(Pathnames::from_text(program), I"README.md");
+                if (TextFiles::exists(rmt_vn)) <Read in README file 9.1.4>;
+            }
+        }
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §9.

+ +

§9.1.1. +<Read in the extension file 9.1.1> = +

+ + +
+        TextFiles::read(Filenames::from_text(program), FALSE, "unable to read extension", TRUE,
+            &Readme::extension_harvester, NULL, A);
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §9.1.

+ +

§9.1.2. +<Read in I6 source header file 9.1.2> = +

+ + +
+        TextFiles::read(I6_vn, FALSE, "unable to read header file from I6 source", TRUE,
+            &Readme::header_harvester, NULL, A);
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §9.1.

+ +

§9.1.3. +<Read in template manifest file 9.1.3> = +

+ + +
+        TextFiles::read(template_vn, FALSE, "unable to read manifest file from website template", TRUE,
+            &Readme::template_harvester, NULL, A);
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §9.1.

+ +

§9.1.4. +<Read in README file 9.1.4> = +

+ + +
+        TextFiles::read(rmt_vn, FALSE, "unable to read README file from website template", TRUE,
+            &Readme::readme_harvester, NULL, A);
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §9.1 (twice).

+ +

§10. The format for the contents section of a web is documented in Inweb. +

+ + +
+    void Readme::extension_harvester(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
+        writeme_asset *A = (writeme_asset *) state;
+        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
+        if (Str::len(text) == 0) return;
+        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L" *Version (%c*?) of %c*begins here. *"))
+            A->version = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
+        Regexp::dispose_of(&mr);
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::extension_harvester is used in §9.1.1.

+ +

§11. Explicit code to read from header.h in the Inform 6 repository. +

+ + +
+    void Readme::header_harvester(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
+        writeme_asset *A = (writeme_asset *) state;
+        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
+        if (Str::len(text) == 0) return;
+        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"#define RELEASE_NUMBER (%c*?) *"))
+            A->version = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
+        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"#define RELEASE_DATE \"(%c*?)\" *"))
+            A->date = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
+        Regexp::dispose_of(&mr);
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::header_harvester is used in §9.1.2.

+ +

§12. Explicit code to read from the manifest file of a website template. +

+ + +
+    void Readme::template_harvester(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
+        writeme_asset *A = (writeme_asset *) state;
+        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
+        if (Str::len(text) == 0) return;
+        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"%[INTERPRETERVERSION%]")) {
+            A->next_is_version = TRUE;
+        } else if (A->next_is_version) {
+            A->version = Str::duplicate(text);
+            A->next_is_version = FALSE;
+        }
+        Regexp::dispose_of(&mr);
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::template_harvester is used in §9.1.3.

+ +

§13. And this is needed for cheapglk and glulxe in the Inform repository. +

+ + +
+    void Readme::readme_harvester(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
+        writeme_asset *A = (writeme_asset *) state;
+        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
+        if (Str::len(text) == 0) return;
+        if ((Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"CheapGlk Library: version (%c*?) *")) ||
+            (Regexp::match(&mr, text, L"- Version (%c*?) *")))
+            A->version = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
+        Regexp::dispose_of(&mr);
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Readme::readme_harvester is used in §9.1.4.

+ +
+ +