+ + +

Basic support for languages to recognise structure and function declarations.

+ +
+ +

§1. For each typedef struct we find, we will make one of these: +

+ +
+    typedef struct c_structure {
+        struct text_stream *structure_name;
+        int tangled;  whether the structure definition has been tangled out
+        struct source_line *structure_header_at;  opening line of typedef
+        struct source_line *typedef_ends;  closing line, where } appears
+        struct linked_list *incorporates;  of c_structure
+        struct linked_list *elements;  of structure_element
+        struct c_structure *next_cst_alphabetically;
+    } c_structure;
+ +

+ +

The structure c_structure is accessed in 3/tw, 4/cl and here.

+ +


+ +
+    c_structure *first_cst_alphabetically = NULL;
+    c_structure *Structures::new_struct(web *W, text_stream *name, source_line *L) {
+        c_structure *str = CREATE(c_structure);
+        <Initialise the C structure structure 2.1>;
+        Analyser::mark_reserved_word_for_section(L->owning_section, str->structure_name, RESERVED_COLOUR);
+        <Add this to the lists for its web and its paragraph 2.2>;
+        <Insertion-sort this into the alphabetical list of all structures found 2.3>;
+        return str;
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Structures::new_struct is used in 4/cl (§2.2).

+ +

§2.1. +<Initialise the C structure structure 2.1> = +

+ + +
+        str->structure_name = Str::duplicate(name);
+        str->structure_header_at = L;
+        str->tangled = FALSE;
+        str->typedef_ends = NULL;
+        str->incorporates = NEW_LINKED_LIST(c_structure);
+        str->elements = NEW_LINKED_LIST(structure_element);
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §2.

+ +

§2.2. +<Add this to the lists for its web and its paragraph 2.2> = +

+ + +
+        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(str, c_structure, W->c_structures);
+        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(str, c_structure, L->owning_paragraph->structures);
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §2.

+ +

§2.3. +<Insertion-sort this into the alphabetical list of all structures found 2.3> = +

+ + +
+        str->next_cst_alphabetically = NULL;
+        if (first_cst_alphabetically == NULL) first_cst_alphabetically = str;
+        else {
+            int placed = FALSE;
+            c_structure *last = NULL;
+            for (c_structure *seq = first_cst_alphabetically; seq;
+                seq = seq->next_cst_alphabetically) {
+                if (Str::cmp(str->structure_name, seq->structure_name) < 0) {
+                    if (seq == first_cst_alphabetically) {
+                        str->next_cst_alphabetically = first_cst_alphabetically;
+                        first_cst_alphabetically = str;
+                    } else {
+                        last->next_cst_alphabetically = str;
+                        str->next_cst_alphabetically = seq;
+                    }
+                    placed = TRUE;
+                    break;
+                }
+                last = seq;
+            }
+            if (placed == FALSE) last->next_cst_alphabetically = str;
+        }
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §2.

+ +

§3. A language can also create an instance of structure_element to record the +existence of the element val, and add it to the linked list of elements of +the structure being defined. +

+ +

In InC, only, certain element names used often in Inform's source code are +given mildly special treatment. This doesn't amount to much. allow_sharing +has no effect on tangling, so it doesn't change the program. It simply +affects the reports in the woven code about where structures are used. +

+ +
+    typedef struct structure_element {
+        struct text_stream *element_name;
+        struct source_line *element_created_at;
+        int allow_sharing;
+    } structure_element;
+ +

+ +

The structure structure_element is accessed in 3/tw, 4/cl and here.

+ +


+ +
+    structure_element *Structures::new_element(c_structure *str, text_stream *elname,
+        source_line *L) {
+        Analyser::mark_reserved_word_for_section(L->owning_section, elname, ELEMENT_COLOUR);
+        structure_element *elt = CREATE(structure_element);
+        elt->element_name = Str::duplicate(elname);
+        elt->allow_sharing = FALSE;
+        elt->element_created_at = L;
+        if (LanguageMethods::share_element(L->owning_section->sect_language, elname))
+            elt->allow_sharing = TRUE;
+        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(elt, structure_element, str->elements);
+        return elt;
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Structures::new_element is used in 4/cl (§2.2.1).

+ +


+ +
+    c_structure *Structures::find_structure(web *W, text_stream *name) {
+        c_structure *str;
+        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(str, c_structure, W->c_structures)
+            if (Str::eq(name, str->structure_name))
+                return str;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Structures::find_structure appears nowhere else.

+ +

§6. Functions. Each function definition found results in one of these structures being made: +

+ +
+    typedef struct function {
+        struct text_stream *function_name;  e.g., "cultivate"
+        struct text_stream *function_type;  e.g., "tree *"
+        struct text_stream *function_arguments;  e.g., "int rainfall)": note )
+        struct source_line *function_header_at;  where the first line of the header begins
+        int within_namespace;  written using InC namespace dividers
+        int called_from_other_sections;
+        int call_freely;
+        int no_conditionals;
+        struct source_line *within_conditionals[MAX_CONDITIONAL_COMPILATION_STACK];
+    } function;
+ +

+ +

The structure function is accessed in 3/tw, 4/cl and here.

+ +


+ +
+    function *Structures::new_function(text_stream *fname, source_line *L) {
+        Analyser::mark_reserved_word_for_section(L->owning_section, fname, FUNCTION_COLOUR);
+        function *fn = CREATE(function);
+        <Initialise the function structure 7.1>;
+        <Add the function to its paragraph and line 7.2>;
+        if (L->owning_section->sect_language->supports_namespaces)
+            <Check that the function has its namespace correctly declared 7.3>;
+        return fn;
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Structures::new_function is used in 4/cl (§2.4.2).

+ +

§7.1. Note that we take a snapshot of the conditional compilation stack as +part of the function structure. We'll need it when predeclaring the function. +

+ + +

+<Initialise the function structure 7.1> = +

+ + +
+        fn->function_name = Str::duplicate(fname);
+        fn->function_arguments = Str::new();
+        fn->function_type = Str::new();
+        fn->within_namespace = FALSE;
+        fn->called_from_other_sections = FALSE;
+        fn->call_freely = FALSE;
+        fn->function_header_at = L;
+        fn->no_conditionals = 0;
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §7.

+ +

§7.2. +<Add the function to its paragraph and line 7.2> = +

+ + +
+        paragraph *P = L->owning_paragraph;
+        if (P) ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(fn, function, P->functions);
+        L->function_defined = fn;
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §7.

+ +

§7.3. +<Check that the function has its namespace correctly declared 7.3> = +

+ + +
+        text_stream *declared_namespace = NULL;
+        text_stream *ambient_namespace = L->owning_section->sect_namespace;
+        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
+        if (Regexp::match(&mr, fname, L"(%c+::)%c*")) {
+            declared_namespace = mr.exp[0];
+            fn->within_namespace = TRUE;
+        } else if ((Str::eq_wide_string(fname, L"main")) &&
+            (Str::eq_wide_string(ambient_namespace, L"Main::")))
+            declared_namespace = I"Main::";
+        if ((Str::ne(declared_namespace, ambient_namespace)) &&
+            (L->owning_paragraph->placed_very_early == FALSE)) {
+            TEMPORARY_TEXT(err_mess);
+            if (Str::len(declared_namespace) == 0)
+                WRITE_TO(err_mess, "Function '%S' should have namespace prefix '%S'",
+                    fname, ambient_namespace);
+            else if (Str::len(ambient_namespace) == 0)
+                WRITE_TO(err_mess, "Function '%S' declared in a section with no namespace",
+                    fname);
+            else
+                WRITE_TO(err_mess, "Function '%S' declared in a section with the wrong namespace '%S'",
+                    fname, ambient_namespace);
+            Main::error_in_web(err_mess, L);
+            DISCARD_TEXT(err_mess);
+        }
+        Regexp::dispose_of(&mr);
+ +

+ +

This code is used in §7.

+ +

§8. Cataloguing. This implements the additional information in the -structures and -functions +forms of section catalogue. +

+ +
+    void Structures::catalogue(section *S, int functions_too) {
+        c_structure *str;
+        LOOP_OVER(str, c_structure)
+            if (str->structure_header_at->owning_section == S)
+                PRINT(" %S ", str->structure_name);
+        if (functions_too) {
+            function *fn;
+            LOOP_OVER(fn, function)
+                if (fn->function_header_at->owning_section == S)
+                    PRINT("\n                     %S", fn->function_name);
+        }
+    }
+ +

+ +

The function Structures::catalogue is used in 3/ta (§2).

+ +
+ +